BRQ Meeting – Tuesday, April 14th, 2015

Kathy Woods welcomed everyone and had Ruth Ann introduced our speaker, who would be first on the agenda.  Martha Akers is more an artist than a quilter.  She has been sewing all her life and studied Clothing and Textile Design at Virginia Tech and is a member of Star Quilters in Roanoke. She employs various techniques in her designs, i.e., colored pencils, crayons, dying fabrics, rubbings, stamping, .  She has won numerous blue ribbons through the years and continues to learn new skills. She said several times, “Learn something new every day”.20150414_183943 20150414_184334 20150414_184817 20150414_185343 20150414_190028 20150414_191955 20150414_192000 20150414_192008 20150414_192024

After the program we all enjoyed  Show & Tell and a display of all the finished Block #3’s of our Mystery Row by Row Quilt.  Kathy Wickham gave out the directions for Block #4.( Tulip Block)  We have two blocks to choose from or the option of doing both. Instructions will follow at the end of the minutes. Kathy also spoke about the upcoming Quilt Show hosted by the Star Quilters on May 1st & 2nd at the Berglund Center and the Bed Turning and children’s program at the Taubman Museum on April 18th.  Carol Zaleski asked for volunteers to help draft the by-laws for the group. Several ladies will work on a draft and present it at a future meeting.

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No cutting or sewing tonight ladies….just sit back and enjoy the special program Ruth Ann has arranged for us……….

Martha Akers will be the featured speaker for our April 14th meeting. ( Blue Ridge Library – 6:30pm).
On any given day, Martha is weaving beads in the intricate art known as Kumihimo, a Japanese form of braiding or designing, painting, appliquéing and quilting her award-winning wall hangings. She is a retired Home Economics teacher and is still teaching quilting via the Internet. She says “There is no reason to be bored”. She teaches classes at Quilt University in New Zealand by web mail.
She’s not content only to appliqué a design for a quilt and machine quilt it. Martha uses dyes and other coloring techniques to add interest to her quilts. Sometimes she combines beading and quilting. This will be a very interesting program and we thank Ruth Ann for bringing Martha to our meeting.

Also on tonight’s agenda will be Show and Tell and row #4 of our Mystery Quilt. Can’t wait to see what Kathy & Victoria have in store for us this month. Be sure to bring your completed row #3 for everyone to see.

If time permits we will review and discuss the by-laws which I will send out this week. Please take a few minutes to review them and jot down any questions. We will be establishing by-laws for our group to insure we grow and improve in the years of quilting and fellowship to come. The by-laws I will be sending are from the Star and Lake Quilters.

“Dear God, I am sometimes all need, and you are always all-sufficient. When I apply Your sufficiency to my need, I am ready to see another’s need, to love more than tolerate, to accept more than judge. Amen.