BRQ Feb 14, 2023 meeting

The Blue Ridge Quilters met for the first time in the brand new Our Savior Lutheran Church on Cloverdale Road in Troutville. It is a beautiful building and the meeting room is roomy. well lit and easily held the February attendance of 33, plus Ways & Means table.

First, we were welcomed to the brand new facility by Our Savior Lutheran Church member, Dwight Luedtke:

Here are lots of pictures of our members enjoying the facility:

As part of the program for the evening, Laura P gave an excellent talk on “What I Learned from Making Quilts for the Alzheimer’s Quilt Initiative” together with illustrations of quilts she had made and that others in the program had made. Laura was a beginner quilter at the time. A very interesting experience indeed.

Blue Ridge Quilters are about to begin a Round Robin and as an introduction, several members brought examples of previous round robins. Members who would like to participate are welcome to bring their center blocks to the March meeting in a non-see-thru bag for an exchange.

Before you begin a Round Robin, you must first choose your center piece, be it a simple block, a more elaborate block or a panel and all participants gather for a “Before” photo. You put your center piece into a non-see thru bag with a firm closure, along with a paper stating instructions and a place for the name of each of the border contributors. Then, because it is “Round Robin” you gather in a circle and exchange bags until a designated person outside the circle says “Stop.” Whatever bag you end up with is what you take home, add a border (either simple or elaborate) and bring the bag back the next month where the exchange is done again. Here are pictures of the Before participants so far. At the March meeting there will be added participants – yep, and more pictures!

Carolyn Z showed a Quilts of Valor quilt that members of Roanoke Quilts of Valor Stitchers who reside at The Glebe had made from scraps and a few donated blocks. They did a beautiful job.

And then it was time for everyone’s favorite, Show and Tell.

And, it was time for the Valentine’s Day meeting to come to an end, until March 14, 2023 when we will meet again in our beautiful, roomy and well lit meeting room. We hope to see you then,

Until then:

Mark your calendars for Saturday March 11, 2023! Blue Ridge Quilters Ways and Means Sale from 9 am til Noon  at Rockingham Court UMC, 4615 Bryan Rd., Roanoke, VA.

Come see all the fabric and books and quilting goodies we have for sale. Bring a friend or two or more!

If anyone can help set up for the sale, we will be setting out the fabrics, etc from 2 – 5 pm on Friday the 10th. Pre-sale shopping is allowed if you help set up