Blue Ridge Quilters monthly meeting June 9th, 2015

Approx 15 ladies enjoyed the field trip to the Fabric Barn in Montvale  Tuesday night.  We began the evening with Kathy Wickham announcing that our next meeting in July will be the Silent Auction.  Everyone was asked to clean out their sewing rooms of items no long needed and donate them to our auction.  Items will be either “Buy it Now” or placed on the Silent Auction table. Please try to arrive early so items can be marked if necessary.  The most important thing to bring is your checkbook.  The meeting will be at the Blue Ridge Library – 6:30pm on Tuesday, July 14th.

Kathy also reminded everyone that the Quilt Shop Rally will be from July 9th – July 12th.  Take time to visit your favorite quilt shop or all the shops participating. Next came a long line of ladies showing their finished Row #5 (Trees) of our Mystery Quilt. Kathy handed out Row #6 which is due in July (a copy of the instructions will post later)….Show and Tell followed and pictures follow of all the beautiful creations our members are working on. Merita and her daughter, Cyeria (sorry about the spelling) spoke a little about dying wool and what’s available at their shop. Merita prepared a hands on for the group and many ladies participated in painting sun flowers on fabric. Shopping ended the evening.

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