BRQG Meeting July 12, 2016

It was an exciting night for the BRQG – it was Silent Auction night !! Boy, there was certainly a wide variety of goods from which to choose. There was magazines (boy, were there ever magazines !!), books, patterns, extension tables for machines, a Viking machine embroidery package, crochet threads, quilting hoops, embroidery hoops, fabrics . . . oh, my !! There were tables which were cash and carry and others with auction goods; after the auction closed, a few “left overs” were free-auctioned for incredibly bargain prices. There were probably 16-17 people present, including 2 visitors (welcome, visitors – we hope to see you again !). I have a feeling the treasury was considerably plumped up last night . . . thanks to all of you who donated goods and those who took home “new to you” treasures.

Tina showed several examples in preparation of next month’s Tangle Quilting program. Doing some free motion quilting in a small area is a lot less scary than looking at a whole quilt and thinking to do free motion quilting. Be sure to bring your machine with a free motion (or embroidery) foot and a prepared quilt sandwich with contrasting thread and have some fun ! More information in the August newsletter. The best part is there will be no rules and no judgments involved !


Tangle Quilting sample

Those who brought their completed Blocks of the Month (patterns provided by Carol Zaleski) came forward to show them, and the new patterns provided by Janice Taylor were given out after showing her samples. Patterns for the blocks will be scanned and sent by email.


Blocks of the Month

Then came Show & Tell. Kitty Yates shard her beautiful Fold’n Stitch Wreaths. Tina showed Claire Hightower’s Falling Triangles for the Community Quilts.

Kitty was back with us after having had a spinal fusion operation and she will be recuperating over the next 6 months or so. Also, Cynthia Luedtke has broken an ankle bone and will be hobbling about for a while. Please include these two ladies in your prayers for healing. Also, MaryAnn Maurelli said her son-in-law, Brian Hill in NC, has had a cancerous thyroid removed and could really use our prayers for healing and recovery.

Thank you, Ann Ware, for taking all these great photos ! And thank everyone who had a hand in setting up the room for the auction and in getting it clean and orderly again. Many hands make light work.