BRQG Convergence Quilt Workshop, 8-2019

Well, it was a great day to be inside, cutting, sewing, turning, cutting, sewing and ta da, gettin’ ‘er done. The Convergence Quilt workshop got underway at 10am on the 23rd and fabrics were chosen, cut, changed, tables claimed, machines set up, chairs put in place and everything else that happens when a workshop gets set up and going. The workshop was headed up by Loretta Twiford and Carol Zaleski who were there to instruct and lend a helping hand when and where necessary. We had the room reserved until 3pm when we had to vacate to allow another group to come in. As the pictures show, everyone either got completely assembled or in a final layout and ready to sew together for the final time. It was a good time of fun, fellowship and accomplishment. Great job, ladies !!


BRQG August 2019 mtg

The August meeting was focused on the annual Silent Auction and Sale, the Guild’s main fund raising event. There were some interesting items on the auction table as well as immediate purchase tables with fabrics, notions, books and magazines. At the end of the hour allotted for shopping, treasures were claimed and shopping bags were filled with “new to me” items. See photos nearby.

Before the shopping excitement, there was Show & Tell with cute, beautiful and amazing items shared by members. Also see photos nearby.

All in all it was a good night for the Silent Auction and for Show and Tell ! Goodjob, ladies. Be sure to attend the September meeting and check out the newsletter for the program and what to bring. Hope to see you all then !