BRQ Meeting, April 11, 2023

I did not attend the meeting; it seemed the right thing to do to stay home with a sore throat and cough. My able assistant took some good photos of the meeting, however and here they are:

We will start with a couple of the room and table displays

Then, Community Projects:

The exciting part of the meeting was the program with Yoga instructor, Cindy Sluder who got everyone in the stretching mood with Yoga For Quilters. It looks like everyone was enjoying the workout.

Always a treat is Show and Tell:

Everyone who is participating in the Round Robin, just a reminder that those second border ideas still have a couple of weeks to come to fruition before the next exchange. Eeeps, that includes me!

Until May 9th, same time, same place, never give up, never give in, and happy quilting.

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